Then they came for Me

Then they cane for Me – History repeats itself Jon Watkins Online Ministries Adapted from “First They Came for the Jews” By Pastor Niemoller. You can read it below.First they came for Prayer in School and I did not speak out because I was Busy. Then they came for the Unborn and I did not speak out because I did … Click Here to Read More

Michael Bloomberg thinks he has “Earned” a place in Heaven

Michael Bloomberg: ‘I Have Earned My Place in Heaven’ ‘It’s not even close.’ Jon Watkins April 19, 2014 Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. Weekly Standard Former New York City mayor is pledging to spend $50 million … Click Here to Read More

Abortion lovers to Declare Abortion a “Human Right”

Abortion Activists Will March on Washington in January to Declare Abortion a “Human Right”

LifeNews via Daily Mail December 9, 2016 – The Women’s March on Washington, sponsored by the pro- abortion National Organization of Women, will be held on January 21, 2017 to bring together abortion activists from around the country. This march intends to affirm abortion and women’s rights as “human rights,” a National Organization of Women’s press release announced this week.

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Mother Attacked in Uganda for Putting Faith in Christ

Former Muslim’s 60-Year Old Mother Attacked in Uganda for Putting Faith in Christ

Islamist relatives threatened to kill 30-year-old convert son.

NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Relatives of a former Islamic teacher attacked his 60-year-old mother on Thursday (Dec. 8) for becoming a Christian, wounding her head and breaking her hand, sources said.

Aimuna Namutongi sustained a deep cut on her forehead. She and her son, 30-year-old Malik Higenyi, were trying to gather cassava at 10 a.m. on the homestead he had been forced to abandon in Bufuja village, Butaleja District, after Muslim relatives threatened to kill him if he returned.

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Mind Control: people “remember” events that never happened

Half of people “remember” events that never happened

The following is proof of Mind Control and Conditioning. Brainwashing to put it in a simple term. The biggest brainwashing machine is the Television and the talking heads on it. Social Media and Video games also play a major role as people are watching less TV. Just remember that when you set mesmerized by your online device!

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Tom Cruise to buy Scientology’s Graceland

The hide out of L Ron Hubbard maybe the future home of Tom Cruise

Daily Mail December 7, 2016 – The secret spiritual home of the Church of Scientology can now be seen for the first time ever in photos exclusively obtained by

The ranch sits in Ceston, a remote area of San Luis Obispo County, California, and has been dubbed the ‘Scientology Graceland’, or the ‘Garden of Eden’.

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CNN Anchor Suggests Women Should Wear a hijab

CNN Anchor Suggests Women Should Wear a Symbol of Oppression to Show Solidarity With Islam

Zero Hedge – The distorted minds of the illiberal left do not know boundaries. Their drug addled, satanic, lifestyles of decadence and hedonism have reduced them to feckless shells, idiots who advance via extortion, blackmail and other sorts of wanton corruption.

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