He is Risen: The Fields are Ripe and it is Time to Repair the Altar of the LORD!

It is Time for America, and other Nations of the World, to TEAR DOWN the Altars of Baal and REBUILD the Altar of the LORD! Luke 10:2 “Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest.” There … Click Here to Read More

Christian Persecution is on the Rise!

John 15:18-21 “If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. 19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. 20 Remember the word that I said unto … Click Here to Read More

Blood on the Altar Part 8

Why Antichrist Believes With Help From Christians His War on the “ Born Again” Will Succeed Editors note: Douglas W. Krieger and S. Douglas Woodward contributed this research for Thomas Horn’s new book Blood on the Altar. At the time he was rising to global power, Hitler’s audience was Catholic, but his announcement of the Concordat with Rome (the papal … Click Here to Read More

Blood on the Altar Part 7

Church Of The Fourth Reich Rising By Tom Horn July 15, 2014 Editors note: Douglas W. Krieger and S. Douglas Woodward contributed this research for Thomas Horn’s new book Blood on the Altar. To the surprise and the dismay of most Christians, it is probable that no repellent political figure in modern times ever professed faith in Christianity more than … Click Here to Read More

Blood on the Altar Part 6

Something Wicked This Way Comes: Behold The Whore & The Emergent Church By Tom Horn July 6, 2014 In Scripture, the war on true Christianity is fueled by a revived and ancient whore drunk on the blood of Martyrs. Is her spirit percolating within an “Emergent Church”? “Babylon” is a word, place, and name that occurs very frequently in Scripture. … Click Here to Read More

Blood on the Altar Part 5

Will Genetics Play A Role In The Coming War On True Believers? By Tom Horn June 20, 2014 Thus far in considering the “how” and “why” of the coming war between Christians vs. Christians and ultimately the role that the ecclesiastical oligarchy under Antichrist will play in its brutal disposition of Tribulation saints, we have discussed disturbing facts regarding man’s … Click Here to Read More

Blood on the Altar Part 4

Will Beast Tech Provide Conditions For A Global “ Lucifer Effect” By Tom Horn June 20, 2014 In 2013 I published the book Beast Tech. In it is considered how much of technology today appears to be sufficient for use by the coming Man of Sin—in particular, human tracking and monitoring utilities, including versions of embeddable smart tattoos and biochip … Click Here to Read More

Blood on the Altar Part 3

What University & Military Experiments Prove About Obedience To Authority Figures By Tom Horn June 10, 2014 Similar to the findings of the Stanford Prison Experiment but in many ways more disturbing was the 1961 “Milgram Experiment” that has since been repeated on numerous occasions with consistent results. The Milgram test measured the willingness of participants to obey authority figures … Click Here to Read More

Blood on the Altar Part 2

The Lucifer Effect By Thomas R. Horn June 10, 2014 Perhaps unknown to some readers is a most notorious experiment that took place in America more than forty years ago. Commonly referred to today as “The Stanford Prison Experiment,” in 1971, a group of student recruits participated in a study at Stanford University, where they were instructed to act out … Click Here to Read More