Disney Opens the Queer Closet Door

Disney ‘Family’ Show: ‘I’m Gay’ — ‘OK, Cool’ When you allow your children to watch Disney, you are indoctrinating them into the Sodomite mentality, and dooming them just like Sodom and Gomorrah! Michael W. Chapman | CNS News – In a recent episode of Disney’s popular Andi Mack show, which targets elementary and middle school kids, the homosexual character “Cyrus Goodman” … Click Here to Read More

Queer Pastor says he and a Tied Up Naked Man “We were just playing” in His Car at 11pm!

I am sure they were just having a friendly “counseling” game of Tiddlywinks “I was counseling a young man with a drug problem. It did turn strange, but it wasn’t my doing, OK? Yea and I am sure that counseling 101 does not include getting naked and tying up the person you are trying to help at 11pm parked along … Click Here to Read More