
A clever scheme to seduce children in to occult thinking is Pokémon. It is laced with eastern mysticism. Buddhist Mysticism, Hinduism, meditation rituals, Egyptian Book of the Dead, Book of Tao, the Analects of Confucius, the Gita, the I Ching, and The Tibetan Book of the Dead are some of the teachings that influence the game. It is all wrapped … Click Here to Read More

Six new mysterious blasts of radio energy are detected from deep space

Are aliens trying to contact Earth?

It may be three billion light-years away from Earth, but this distant constellation could be trying to contact us.

Six bursts of radio waves have been detected from the constellation Auriga, each lasting just a few milliseconds.

While the source of the waves remains unknown, some suggest they mysterious bursts of energy could be a sign of alien life trying to contact us.

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