Sodomy State California: You Must Stay Gay Bill

Michael Brown – In a brazen assault on our most fundamental freedoms, California legislators are considering a bill that would make it illegal for anyone to receive professional help to resolve unwanted same-sex attractions or gender confusion. This would apply to people of all ages. People of all religious and moral convictions. It is an absolute outrage, and it must … Click Here to Read More

Tranny’s to Teach Children at Swedish Library: ‘It is Important to Break Societal Norms’

Cross-dressers ‘Lady Busty’ and ‘Miss Shameless’ are to teach children in Malmö the importance of equality and not to fear immigrants at events starting later this month. From February 17th, Malmö City Library will begin holding Drag Queen Story Hours at which men dressed as women will read fairy tales encouraging children to experiment with gender, local media reports. “As … Click Here to Read More

Jacob’s New Dress

Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa. You had best find out if your child is being taught this perversion and stand up against it! If you don’t, one day your child may come home a Homosexual or Lesbian! North Carolina School District Pulls First Grade Book About Dress-Wearing Boy Following Complaints Heather Clark wrote about this is March 2017 – A … Click Here to Read More

Harper Valley PTA needs to be rewritten just like the Ode to Billy Joe!

What one Generation allows in Moderation, the NEXT will practice it in EXCESS!  Since 1968, Morality has become minuscule. The filth and stench from the sewer of HELL is overflowing in schools of America, and it coincides with the removal of the Bible and Prayer from Schools. The Cesspool has been carefully propagated by the Communist Democratic Cult.  Limp wristed … Click Here to Read More