Go Left Young Man, Go Left!

Homosexual Buttigieg Says Democrats Must Swing Further Left To Beat Trump In 2020 Daily Caller – Mayor and Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg said Friday that Democrats need to veer left of center in 2020, if they want to beat President Trump. “He is deservedly unpopular, but he could win again,” Buttigieg said of Trump at a campaign rally in … Click Here to Read More

Evidence America has Become the Modern Day Sodom and Gomorrah

A Question For A Democrat Presidential Candidate That Will Never Be Answered: ‘Pete, Since You Brought It Up, How ‘Gay’ Are You?’ Special to ANP by Don Boys, Ph.D., former member of the Indiana House of Representatives In the south, it has been traditional for a young lady (debutante or “female beginner”) of high status to “come out” into adulthood. … Click Here to Read More