Florida Driver Allegedly Crashes into Occupied Church and Sets it on Fire

This scum is a Satanist! Amy Furr | Breitbart News – A man was arrested for allegedly driving through the front door of a church in Ocala, Florida, and setting it on fire with several people inside over the weekend. “The Marion County Sheriff’s Office charged Steven Shields, 23, on Saturday, hours after detectives say he plowed a minivan through … Click Here to Read More

2000 Year Old Cure for TDD for those at Fake News Raw Story

Race-baiters, it’s all they have! The Communist website Raw Story is filled with Atheists, Satanists, Witches, Radical Lesbian Feminists, Homosexuals, Trannys, and Communists. Trump Derangement Disease (TDD) has infected everyone of them, as well as their followers. The only treatment and cure, a real Vaccine if you will, for this disease IS a heavy dose of the Holy Spirit! It … Click Here to Read More

BBC admits that Christian Persecution is at near Genocide Levels

Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Satanists, Witches and Atheists have two things in common. 1. First and foremost, they HATE Jesus Christ and any mention of  HIS name, the Cross, HIS shed Blood, Sin and Hell. John 15:18-19 “If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. 19 If ye were of the world, the world … Click Here to Read More