Wanted: A Few Good Men – No good Men left for Christian Women?

I came across an article entitled Christian women can’t find good men to marry: ‘There just aren’t any’

The same can be reversed… Christian MEN can’t find good WOMEN to marry: ‘There just aren’t any’

Most men are looking for a woman who is Big Breasted, has a Big Brazilian Butt, with their hair dyed Blonde, with gobs of makeup slathered on to transform them into something they are NOT!  They want a trophy woman to show off to their rivals and then try hard to hold on to the Jezebel and keep her from seeking a better sugar daddy!

What? Is this woman serious? Yea she is and it really chapped me, because I know what this woman’s problem is, as well as 10’s of thousands of others. Strap yourselves down ladies because you are going to smoke and fume and just may launch off your backside!

She is a victim of the Feminist movement as are MOST women in the church house! And worse than that, she is possessed by the Jezebel spirit that plagues the majority of churches, Catholic, Protestant and Evangelical! 

You just mention to one of these types of women that the man is head of the house and family and their eyes glass over, and that demonic spirit manifests! And when you quote them scripture, like Proverbs 31:10-31, Ephesians 5:22-23, 1st Timothy 2:11-15, 1st Peter 3:1, 1st Corinthians 11:3-16, Colossians 3:18, WOW,  the mouth foaming begins. I really expect their heads to turn 360! And these are Christian Women who teach Sunday School and sing in the Choir!! Then when they are all worked up in the Spirit, I throw in 1st Corinthians 14:34 for good measure.  “Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.” Now that particular verse of scripture is taken WAY out of context by most, but hey, I like to stir the pot!  Galatians 4:16 “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?” My favorite scripture BTW!

The problem with women is, they want a perfect man that is Made in their Image of what a Man should be, instead of looking for a man who is transformed into the Image of Jesus Christ! 2nd Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”

It is the Hellywood image that has permeated their minds, and that man only exists in fantasy. The same can be said of what a man expects a woman to be!!

As I read the following article I sensed she is looking for the perfect man that she, as well as her friends, can mold into what they want. Honey, it does not work like that.

Instead of socializing with her circle of friends, she needs to SEEK GOD and ask him to send her a Godly man, the one that HE has chosen for her. But alas, a Catholic does not talk to God. They talk to the priest, Mary or dead saints. You are not going to get any direction in your life praying to demons and false gods!

Most of the time the problem is not the other person. It is you, the trinity, Me, Myself and I, as I found out many years ago. 

My daughter called me one day when she was going threw a very rough time in her life and was having severe marriage problems. She asked my opinion and I gave it to her. I told her that no matter where she goes, or what she does, YOU have to take YOU with YOU”! Meaning the grass is NOT greener on the other side of the fence. You need to look at your flaws as God see them and ask HIM to help you fix them. He is the only one who can! That was that was another hard lesson I had to learn. She did not take the advise of dear old dad!

Update 5/13: I came across this article by a Woman Pastor this morning:

How Single Women Unknowingly Summon the Spirit of Jezebel

Single women may or may not want to admit this, but we all have tampered with the spirit of Jezebel. Whenever we decide we have gotten tired of waiting on God for our husband, we take hold of the idea of marriage and try to control it. We try and make it happen. Control is one of Jezebel’s character traits, and manipulation is another. So, we meet someone, like or lust after them, then decide they are our husband.

We try to force what we strongly desire on them. We force fit them into a position they may or may not be created for. We manipulate, lie and fake or own character just so we can get what we want when we want it. What kind of relationship is that? What does God say about that?

I’ll tell you what, it is not pleasing to Him. As He watches His daughter repeating this same process over and over again, climbing out of one heartbreak after another. The Father is still loving on you and waiting for you to surrender, give it to Him totally and allow Him to heal you. Read more here

Take note in the following article she never mentions that she has sought the Lord. She is looking for a good “ Catholic man” that is to HER liking. You will not like my comment at the end of this article!

Christian women can’t find good men to marry: ‘There just aren’t any’

The Catholic Weekly – We are living in a unique time in history. Never has politics been so polarized, never has mainstream society come so near to amorality (although Nero’s Rome came close), and never has it been so difficult for a woman to find a good man.

The latter is, I’ll admit, a bold claim but allow me to elaborate.

We constantly bemoan the state of society, the youth, universities, the media, et al, which seem to be collectively falling into ever deeper rabbit holes of noxious regressive ideas, behaviors and policies.

Religious affiliation and church attendance, especially among youth and men in particular, has never been lower. Pornography addiction is a scourge of epidemic proportions among men and even boys as young as 11. Put simply, the world is in a mess.

You’ve heard it all before.

Yet one important side-effect of all this that gets little attention is how tough this new environment has become for women, especially Christian women, to find good husbands. The situation is so dire there is now an emerging trend of women abandoning their faith and religious beliefs for the sake of romantic relationships.

Perhaps this is not considered a particularly serious issue when compared with Brexit, abortion on demand or the erosion of free speech, but I would contend it is every bit as important, if not more so. The future of our society depends on good, solid marriages, families and citizens. We need families to produce educated and informed young men and women who will continue fighting the good fight on all the issues confronting our society.

Yet for someone like me – a 32-year-old single Catholic – the situation looks bleak indeed.

I can talk to any young woman in my social circle and they will, one and all, say the same thing: there just aren’t any men. What we mean by this is there is a frightening scarcity of men aged 25-35 who are church-going, single and worldly-wise.

Most men I meet have two out of three of these qualities, with the latter often lacking. If they’re single church-goers, they’re usually awkward and in want of basic social awareness (a big turn-off for most women). If they’re more worldly, they’re generally not single or not religious. Even if they’re not religious, most young Australian men hold views and values that are left of center and utterly opposed to our own.

This makes venturing outside church circles an often hopeless endeavor. (Not to mention the scarcity of men who are even open to the idea of chastity, but that is a separate issue entirely.) I’m not denying there are good, single guys out there. Of course there are. Several of my closest friends have been fortunate enough to meet and marry some wonderful, intelligent, principled men – but many more women haven’t been so lucky.

I meet them constantly at parties and other social events – beautiful, smart, single Catholic women who just want to find a good man to love and honor. Yet this pool of women seems to keep getting bigger, while the number of Godly, marriageable men is swiftly dropping.

In the early 1960s, 87 per cent of Australian men identified as Christian. That figure has now dropped to 49 per cent. I need not mention that regular church-going men are even fewer still. This trend is not just confined to Australia, either. It seems to be the norm across the West.

I went to a wedding in Seattle last year and met a woman about my age who asked me if she should move to Australia to try to find a husband, due to the lack of Catholic men in her social sphere.

The fact that this experience is almost universally shared speaks for itself. And unfortunately, the growing desperation fuelled by this trend is beginning to result in some rather alarming outcomes. I personally know three Catholic women in their 20s and 30s who abandoned their beliefs in order to be with a man, all in the last few years. One met a man online who turned out to be married (though separated) with children, but she dated him anyway.

Another got married outside the Church, against the advice of her priest, to an agnostic she’d only been dating a short time. The third started going out with an atheist she met at university. A year or two later, she abandoned the Church and those closest to her to marry him.

These were not women whose religious faith extended to a tick on the census. They were all cradle Catholics, well-educated in their faith and very active in either their parishes or Christian communities. And these are just women I know myself – there are undoubtedly others.

Many will be unable to comprehend this. Indeed, I struggle to understand it myself. No matter how desperate you are to be married, how could anything be more important than your faith?

Women have traditionally been the bastion of moral integrity in Church history. It has been said that if you want to judge the moral compass of a society, look to its women. Go to any church and you will almost undoubtedly see more women than men.

According to almost every statistic, remaining faithful to one’s religion is more common to women, which makes each of the above incidents even more surprising.

Being faithful to “ Religion” is the problem folks. Religion won’t, and can’t save you nor can it work out and deliver you from your problems! Olny Jesus Christ and what He did for you is the answer! See Are you Religious? Every Human Being needs to Lose their Religion!

Indeed, these stories are so shocking that just one would have been the cause of an enormous scandal to the woman’s friends and communities just a few decades ago. Yet the new social climate appears to fuel this special kind of urgency to be with a man – at any cost.

There has always been a social stigma around women who reach their 30s unmarried. This is perhaps felt more keenly in Christian circles, where marrying young is generally looked on very positively. I myself felt the panic creeping up on me when I neared my 30th birthday, fearing the Judgement of those around me and dreading the whispers that I was too frigid or that I just couldn’t get a man. This is aside from the biological pressure women in their 30s face if they want to have children.

I get the panic, I get the struggle, I understand the fear. I’ve experienced all of it. Like many other young women, I firmly believed I would be married by the time I turned 25. My anxiety and doubt have steadily increased through all the birthdays, while my finger has remained bare.

Being so thoroughly convinced all my life that marriage was my vocation, it has come as a painful, and frankly humiliating, shock to find myself 32 years old and alone. So I completely understand the desperation that is now driving women to enter or cling to relationships even if they’re toxic, harmful or illicit.

Life is so much more exciting when the prospect of a man is in it. It’s no wonder women will sometimes stay far too long with, or even marry, men who are clearly wrong for them. The fear that this may be the only chance at marriage they’ll ever get is all too real, and the alternative can look like returning to a life that is boring, unpredictable and hopeless.

‘Sure,’ they think, ‘it’s not what I expected but at least I’m not alone – right?’ Loneliness is the real enemy in the minds of many women. Better the devil you know than the one you don’t. While this mentality has always existed, the dearth of good young men in our world appears to have pushed it into overdrive.

The fear of being alone seems to be driving women of faith to abandon everything they believe to secure a ring on their finger. I don’t want to be single for the rest of my life any more than the next girl, but that certainly doesn’t mean I think a man is worth overthrowing all I hold dear; everything that gives me hope and meaning and purpose in life.

No man could ever replace these things, nor would I expect him to, and it concerns me deeply that more and more women are losing sight of this axiomatic truth. Do we need more young men on the path to truth and goodness? Of course we do! I’m deeply grateful for the influence figures like Dr Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro are having on so many men, young and old.

Note: If she looks up to the likes of Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro, well they are her Idols and what she is expecting a man to be! 

Neither man is a Born Again Christian, nor is she! Shapiro is an Orthodox JewPeterson is a clinical psychologist and a professor of psychology. He does not know God in anyway shape or form. His God is Secular Humanism! 

He is a philosophical pragmatist. In a 2017 interview, Peterson was asked “are you a Christian?” and responded “I suppose the most straight-forward answer to that is yes”. In 2018, Peterson emphasized that his conceptualization of Christianity is probably not what is generally understood, stating that the ethical responsibility of a Christian is to imitate Christ, for him meaning “something like you need to take responsibility for the evil in the world as if you were responsible for it … to understand that you determine the direction of the world, whether it’s toward heaven or hell”. When asked if he believes in God, Peterson responded: “I think the proper response to that is No, but I’m afraid He might exist. Writing for The Spectator, Tim Lott said Peterson draws inspiration from Jung’s philosophy of religion, and holds views similar to the Christian existentialism of Søren Kierkegaard and Paul Tillich. Lott also said Peterson has respect for Taoism, as it views nature as a struggle between order and chaos, and posits that life would be meaningless without this duality. Source: Wikipedia

We should be doing all we can to help steer men in the right direction and find truth and meaning in their lives. Men who are guided by good principles, who have purpose and direction in life, are not only deeply attractive to women, they are invaluable assets to society. Yet many women I see and talk to feel as if their chance is never going to come.

I am now beginning to face the possibility that I may never marry. It makes me squirm with discomfort and anxiety even to admit this, but I have to be realistic. On a personal level, my faith teaches me that if I don’t ever marry, it’s possibly because that is God’s will for me. I may not like it, it may threaten to fill me with dread and despair, but that’s probably how I would have felt if someone had told me 10 years ago that I would still be single now.

And while I have experienced some real suffering in my 32 years, I know my life is valuable and meaningful and worth living, despite not turning out the way I imagined.

Moreover, I believe that if God wills for me to remain single, then that is what will bring me the most fulfillment and happiness in life.

I’ll be honest, this feels more true in my head than in my heart right now. I am still mid-struggle when it comes to acceptance, because deep down I don’t want to accept that this long-cherished dream of mine may never come true.

It feels as though accepting the possibility will shackle me to the inevitability.

But I also know, from wisdom and experience, that this isn’t true, that opening myself up to God’s will – whatever that is – will actually set me free. It may be difficult and painful, but only in the short term. I also recognize there’s an important difference between being alone and being lonely.

I implore other women in my situation to think about this. I know how easy it is to despair when you feel like you’re forever sitting in the waiting room. But I also know that neither a man nor a marriage can fulfill you in life – they’re just a bonus (if you’re lucky). If you accept this, and if you shift your aim to perfecting the life you have, rather than chasing after the one you imagine, you won’t lose your way.

For where your treasure is, there is your heart also.

Note: This article first appeared in The Catholic Weekly. It is reprinted here by permission of the author. 

Lady, If you want a Godly Husband, quit looking at bars, nightclubs, at the beach, or even in the Catholic church. Get on your knees and cry out to God. Ask him to FIX YOU, and send you a man he wants you to have. He may NOT be the handsome prince in shining armor that you have deluded yourself into thinking you will get! He may be an average guy that your high standards will not allow you to even consider! 

Galatians 4:16 “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?”

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
If you appreciate what this Ministry is doing to Expose the Fake Christians, Satanists, Witches, Communist/Socialist Democrats, R.I.N.O Republicans and the assault on our Conservative, True Christian values, please consider a small donation to help us continue and expand. This Ministry is not only under attack by the Enemy, we are now under attack from supposed Christians also. It is what Tom Horn calls 'Blood on the Altar"!