Ivanka Trump met SECRETLY with Head Baby Killer Cecile Richards!

Disturbing News has surfaced about the First Daughter and First Son-in-Law!

OH MY I am touching the Sacred Cow! 

The HillIvanka Trump secretly met with the president of Planned Parenthood following President Trump’s inauguration, according to a new report.

Trump’s elder daughter initiated the meeting with Cecile Richards, hoping to ease tensions and discuss the organization, which Republicans hope to defund, Politico first reported Thursday morning.

A Planned Parenthood official said Richards stressed during the meeting that funding for the women’s health organization “doesn’t actually go to abortions.”

“The purpose of the meeting, from Cecile’s point of view, was to make sure that Ivanka fully understood what Planned Parenthood does, how it is funded, and why it would be a terrible idea for Planned Parenthood to be removed from being able to see Medicaid patients,” Dawn Laguens told Politico.

“The main thing that Cecile Richards was doing was explaining that the money doesn’t actually go to abortions — we get reimbursed the same way a hospital does. We were clearing up misinformation about how this works.”

Ivanka Trump and Richards have not spoken since the secret meeting, according to the report. Read more at the Hill.

In Bed with the Enemy

When people meet in “secret” there is usually something going on that THEY don’t want other people to know about. Seeing how her Judas husband, Jared Kushner, has been passing THE ENEMY info, namely MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough, one can conclude that she too has nefarious motives!

Update April 9: It has come to light of George Soros’s “Long And Productive Relationship” With Jared Kushner Includes New $250 Million Investment!

Kushner, who is a LIFE LONG DEMOCRAT, probably has converted Ivanka to the Baby Murdering Agenda of the Communists.Or has she always been pro-choice? Even her Father, now President, has flip-flopped back and forth on the issue over the years.

The Donald on Abortion

Trump’s own position on abortion has shifted dramatically over the years, even as it remains nebulous to this day. During his early decades in public life, Trump supported abortion rights, writing in his 2000 book The America We Deserve about his own “pro-choice instincts.” “I support a woman’s right to choose, for example, but I am uncomfortable with the procedures,” Trump wrote. Source

Case and Point

Bloomberg Business asked Donald Trump if he was pro-life and he said “yes.” But asked to expound and he said, “It’s an issue. I mean it’s an issue, and it’s a strong issue.” Asked if abortion early in the pregnancy was murder to the Don, he replied,”What I am saying is this: With caveats – life of the mother, incest, rape. That’s where I stand. So, I’m pro-life, but with the caveats. You have to have it with the caveats.” Asked if a pregnancy happens outside those caveats, Trump stated, “It depends why.” “I’m, pro-life…very simple pro-life,” he said.

His not-so-passionate “pro-life” answer seems to be a change from what he wrote in 2000. In his book, The America We Deserve, Trump devoted three sentences to abortion, claiming to be “pro-choice” but against partial birth abortion. In 2011, before a crowd at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington, D.C., Trump was asked about his pro-choice position and responded, “Who said I’m pro-choice?”

Well, Mr. Trump, in 1999 you told Meet the Press this:

Well, I’m very pro-choice. I hate the concept of abortion. I hate it. I hate everything it stands for. I cringe when I listen to people debate the subject. But, you still, I just believe in choice. Source Charisma News See more there

Other headlines:
Trump says we shouldn’t change abortion laws

In a “Face the Nation” interview that is airing today, (April 2, 2016) Donald Trump made a stunning statement on abortion. He revealed that he believes federal abortion law is “set” and that “we have to leave it that way.”

It would appear Donald Trump is nowhere close to a pro-life champion. If his beliefs on the subject were truly settled, he would not need to continually change and clarify his statements. Abortion is the human rights issue of our day, and Trump cannot afford to get it so blatantly wrong.

His suggested judicial nominees include his sister – who was a public supporter of partial-birth abortion (and who forced a state to allow it) – and a federal judge who forced a state to fund Planned Parenthood against its will. So much for states having the right to decide on abortion through judges appointed by Trump.

Due to his history of financial support for dedicated abortion advocates like Hillary Clinton and Charles Schumer, Trump cannot afford to skirt the issue of abortion. Source

Despite the fact that many citizens have rallied behind him and believe that he is being used by God, and I believe he is,  I dispute the claims of some questionable Christians that he is saved. I still DO NOT believe Trump has become Born Again! I know, “Them are Fighting Words” when you bring up the subject among the “Religious” community!

Just what is Ivanka’s new Role?
We have already seen clear evidence that Donald Trump has no solid stand on the abortion issue. He is tossed to and fro with the wind on the subject. We also know that he is very strongly attached to and influenced by his daughter Ivanka whom he has moved into the White house and given a position of “advisor”.

Her attorney, Jamie Gorelick, told Politico that Trump would advise her father on a range of unspecified issues and that she would serve as the president’s “eyes and ears.” Source

Well, if she has now become “his eyes and ears”, then in meeting with the Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richards, was she not representing the President? It seems to me that she was put in that position so that she could be present in places he could not go without raising eyebrows. http://www.cnn.com/2017/03/29/politi…ite-house-job/

And if Ivanka is influencing the President, who is influencing Ivanka?

Rumor has it that:  Donald Trump carried out Syria missile strike ‘after being convinced by daughter Ivanka’ Will she also convince him to back off of planned Parenthood?

Another well-established fact is that Ivanka and Chelsea Clinton have been very good friends for many years, and Ivanka Trump remains ‘very good friends’ with Chelsea Clinton who is a staunch advocate of Planned Parenthood, gets a life time achievement award for women rights! In an interview on E! News, Chelsea stated “Our friendship started before politics, so it will last beyond politics” See the full interview here

Chelsea’s stand on Abortion Rights
Abortion ‘Is at the Core of Our Human Rights,’ Chelsea Clinton Argues Read more at Christian Post

Now that Ivanka has moved into the White House and has an office, will she be sending an invite to that Jezebel, Cecile Richards? Will Ivanka use her influence over her father to advocate for Planned Parenthood? Time will tell and Poop will float!

More information on Donald Trump and who and what influences him:

Another one who had control of both the Senate, Congress and the Supreme court was none other the George W. Bush. He did NOTHING to repeal and ban abortions as he PROMISED!

I do not believe President Trump will do anything either!

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
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