And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD

Is President Donald Trump following the same path as past U.S. Presidents and former Kings of Israel, doing that which was “Evil in the Sight of the LORD”? 2nd Kings 23:37 “And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD, according to all that his fathers (predecessors) had done.” Note: there are 20 references in the … Click Here to Read More

Ivanka Trump met SECRETLY with Head Baby Killer Cecile Richards!

Disturbing News has surfaced about the First Daughter and First Son-in-Law!

OH MY I am touching the Sacred Cow! 

The HillIvanka Trump secretly met with the president of Planned Parenthood following President Trump’s inauguration, according to a new report.

Trump’s elder daughter initiated the meeting with Cecile Richards, hoping to ease tensions and discuss the organization, which Republicans hope to defund, Politico first reported Thursday morning.

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