PILLs: Perverts In Lunatic Land News December 3rd 2022

The Sexual Perverts are after YOUR  Children and Grand-Children! 

And because there is so much news about the perverts, I can’t keep up with it and am overwhelmed! So…, I will just gather a few headlines in the Perverts in Lunatic Land Section and post it once or twice a month! These are the epitome of Romans One!

Don’t know what Romans One says? Well Listen:


‘Gender Bender Day’: BC elementary school encourage kids to dress trans in ‘day of affirmation’

An elementary school in British Columbia encouraged staff and students to “dress outside their comfort zone” Thursday for a “day of affirmation” to show support to staff, students and parents who identify as trans, non-binary, or 2-spirit.

Cedar Grove Elementary School posted the Gender Bender Day on the school’s calendar explaining that students, parents, and staff who identify as transgender would greatly appreciate a day of affirmation. Read the rest here

Planned Parenthood executive director claims children are born ‘sexual’ – and advocates porn literacy lessons for older students and sex education from KINDERGARTEN

An executive director at Planned Parenthood’s sex education branch claimed that children are born ‘sexual’ and has called for comprehensive sex education from kindergarten – as well as porn literacy for older age groups.

Bill Taverner, who has advocated for sexuality education at US congressional briefings, said in 2015 that ‘we are all sexual beings from birth to death.’

He said: ‘[We have] in our society, an assumption of asexuality of people with intellectual disabilities.

‘It’s a myth that’s perpetuated, and really we are all sexual beings from birth until death,’ the executive director of Planned Parenthood, located in New Jersey, said.

The sentiment was echoed by Planned Parenthood, that said in a guide entitled the ‘Fundamentals of Teaching Sexuality’ that ‘sexuality is a part of life through all the ages and stages. 

‘Babies, elders, and everyone in between can experience sexuality.’  Read the rest here

Balenciaga Replaces Child BDSM-Themed Ads with New Creepy Campaign that Features Belgian Painter Known for “Pedophilia, Blood Ritual, Occultism, Cannibalism and Racism”

Balenciaga is getting slammed once again in a new ad campaign for featuring a book by controversial artist Michael Borremans, whose work has been linked to pedophilia, cannibalism, and blood rituals.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that the high-end fashion brand Balenciaga has received internet backlash for a creepy ad that features two young girls holding stuffed animals dressed in what looks to be bondage gear.

The company also advertised a handbag with a copy of the Supreme Court’s decision in a child pornography case as a prop.

The creepy ad sparked outrage online for normalizing child pornography. Read the rest here

Tucker Carlson: ‘It’s Time We Talked About the Elite Pedophilia Problem’ 

It is a staple of so-called conspiracy theories that at the highest levels of politics and finance, there is a shadowy cabal of pedophiles who use their power to hide the crimes they commit against children. People think that. Sounds pretty far out to us. Too dark and strange to be true and of course we are not, obviously, endorsing that idea. On the other hand, you can kind of see why people might believe it. Read more and see video

CIA Agents Caught Raping Children Allowed to Walk Free Because Prosecution ‘May Reveal State Secrets’

At least 10 CIA agents and contractors who were caught engaged in child sex activity have been allowed to walk free after prosecutors decided against bringing charges against the pedophiles because prosecution “may reveal state secrets.” Read more here

High-End Fashion Brand Ads Show Young Kids Holding Sex Bondage Teddy Bears With Child Porn Court Papers In Background

A keen Twitter user going by “Shoe” posted screenshots of an advertising campaign for the luxury fashion brand Balenciaga showing disturbing images of young children holding stuffed animals wearing bondage gear.

Perhaps the most unusual part of the ad campaign was that a paper document on a table in one of the images talks about a child pornography court case.

In a Twitter thread posted Monday, Shoe wrote, “the brand ‘Balenciaga’ just did a uh….. interesting… photoshoot for their new products recently which included a very purposely poorly hidden court document about ‘virtual child porn’ normal stuff.” Read more here

NBC’s Ben Collins: ‘A Child Might Go to Meet a Drag Queen Just to Show Them They’re Human Beings’

NBC reporter Ben Collins said on Peacock’s “MTP NOW” that parents take children to all-age drag brunches to meet a drag queen “just to show them they’re human beings.”

Host Kristen Welker said, “What are you seeing online in the wake of this shooting? Is anything standing out to you?”

Collins said, “I will say that the months-long campaign of targeting trans and gay rights events and supports and things like drag brunches, that has been a persistent narrative by the anti-LGBQ right in the last six months to the last year. One of the main drivers of that hate is an account called Libs of TikTok.”

Welker said, “You said this, but we I think we can’t emphasize this enough. This was during a drag night.”  Read more here

Rhode Island School Official Says ‘Misgendering’ Trans Children is an ‘Act of Violence’ and ‘Needs to Be Dealt With Accordingly’

A Rhode Island school official is facing backlash after claiming that “misgendering” a so-called “trans” child is an “act of violence” that needs to be “dealt with accordingly.”

Jennifer Lima is on the North Kingstown district school committee and was previously responsible for imposing “anti-racist” policies in the district’s schools.

Last year, Lima faced a re-call vote for pushing Marxism and Critical Race Theory, according to a report from Fox News.

Earlier this month, Lima shared a post on Facebook on her official committee page saying that “I recognize that some may find the use of the word violence in this post extreme.”

“Violence is defined by the World Health Organization as ‘the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, that either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment or deprivation,’” Lima added. Read the rest here

Male Pilots Will Be Allowed to Wear Makeup, Painted Nails and Carry Handbags on British Airways

Male pilots will be allowed to wear make up, painted nails, and carry pocketbooks on British Airways as the UK’s second largest airline carrier is set to transform its uniform rules.

Following the introduction of so-called gender neutral uniforms by their competitor Virgin Atlantic, British Airways is apparently trying to out-woke the Richard Branson airliner by allowing male pilots to wear makeup and don women’s handbags.

An internal briefing sent to staff seen by the Daily Mail this week said that they should “be bold, be proud, be yourself” and that BA hoped that the updated uniform standards would be “embraced by everyone regardless of gender, gender identity, ethnicity, background, culture, sexual identity, or otherwise”.

The new uniform rules will allow male pilots and cabin crew to wear a “touch of mascara and lip colour,” as well as wearing fake eyelashes and coloured fingernails. Read the rest here

Best you see what it means to be ‘Reprobate”!!!

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
If you appreciate what this Ministry is doing to Expose the Fake Christians, Satanists, Witches, Communist/Socialist Democrats, R.I.N.O Republicans and the assault on our Conservative, True Christian values, please consider a small donation to help us continue and expand. This Ministry is not only under attack by the Enemy, we are now under attack from supposed Christians also. It is what Tom Horn calls 'Blood on the Altar"!