Star Trek Discovery: A far cry from the Original Series

According to a Christian Today article, “There’s no God in the Star Trek universe – and an exchange relayed by Entertainment Weekly confirms it.”

I am not going to post the exchange here because of the use of God’s name as profanity.  See the article here.

I would also like to say although I am a fan of Star Trek, mainly the Original Series (TOS), I have no use for the spin offs. I tolerated The Next Generation (TNG).  The movies based on the original series were OK, but you could tell they were getting more Progressive and Politically Correct. I was not even Born Again at that time and could see where it was going. I probably will not watch Discovery as I am sure it will be filled with homosexuals, lesbians, trannies and God hating innuendo! 

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Gospel in the Stars Part 1

The Gospel in the Stars: Part 1

By J.R. Church on July 17, 2011

Long before men perverted the message of the constellations and established ancient idolatry, God named the stars and set them in the heavens for signs:

“And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years” (Genesis 1:14).

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