AI Jesus threatens damnation if viewers ignore his TikTok commandments

AI, Artificial Intelligence, is just that. It’s is fake, and millions of religious IDIOTS will fall for the deception! Matthew 24:5 “For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.”  A TikTok account, claiming to be ‘Jesus’ returning to Earth, has been giving blessings to believers and threatening damnation to those who don’t comply … Click Here to Read More

Hellywood Writer: “Societies falling apart”! Stops Writing New Episodes for Show He Created

Black Mirror Creator Has Stopped Writing Because Society Is Collapsing For Real “I don’t know what stomach there would be for stories about societies falling apart.” These shows, and others like them, are created to put the masses into a trance and Gaslight them! The CIA has “advisors” who help Hellywood writers!   The CIA and the Media: 50 Facts the … Click Here to Read More

Current Plagues Right Now are Just Signs of MUCH WORSE Things to Come!

Are you ready??? If not, or you don’t know, here is your chance to get ready… Find Out How Here Luke 21:25-29 “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; 26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, … Click Here to Read More

Plagues, Volcanoes, Earthquakes and Wild Weather the New Norm for a Sin Sick World!

A Plague Of Locusts, Earthquakes In Diverse Places, And Weather That Has Gone Completely Nuts   It is going by the Book folks! Best get ready! Luke 21:28   Record-Smashing Bombogenesis Blizzard Hits Newfoundland, Canada! Here’s The Best Pictures And Videos  Michael Snyder – It is almost as if someone flipped some sort of a switch as 2020 began, because … Click Here to Read More

Is this Prophetic? 144 year old Fig Tree Collapses in LA

I came across the movie “San Andreas” last night while scanning the channels to see if there was something that was not your usual Hellywood Filth. It was half over but I watched anyways. I tuned in just as the 10.3 quake (I believe it was) hit that area and San Francisco was destroyed. So I get up this morning … Click Here to Read More

Nasa releases picture of a Dragon Aurora rearing its ugly head over Iceland

“No sunspots have appeared on the Sun so far in February, making the multiple days of picturesque aurora activity this month somewhat surprising,” It is NO surprise for the True Child of God who has discernment and knows what the Bible says about the End Times! Luke 21:25 “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, … Click Here to Read More

As it was in the Days of Noah? Matthew and Luke Scriptures Coming to Pass!

U.S. Government Cannibalizing Babies to Produce Human-Animal Chimeras  Matthew 24:32-44   Luke 17:22-37 How does the article below tie in with the Days of Noah you ask? Read it and then the comparison after. To the Mockers, Scoffers and non-believers, it does Not matter what YOU believe. It matters what the Bible SAYS! Ecclesiastes 1:8-11 “All things are full of labour; … Click Here to Read More

Robot Priest Part 1

Why not! But it might be hard to tell the difference between a Robot Preacher and the Zombie Apostates that Currently fill MOST of the Pulpits around the World. Jon Watkins –  June 3, 2017 Cynthia Pawl edited and added to these writings. BlessU-2 a robot designed to replace a preacher of the True Gospel and gives blessings in five … Click Here to Read More

Incoming Alien Spacecraft?

Scientists led by Stephen Hawking are using high-tech scanners to discover if a huge, cigar-shaped ‘comet’ Oumuamua is in fact, an alien probe! One astronomer claims that the space rock named Oumuamua, could be an alien spacecraft with broken engines that is tumbling through our solar system. Dr Jason Wright from Penn State University suggests that a broken alien spacecraft … Click Here to Read More

Star Trek Discovery: A far cry from the Original Series

According to a Christian Today article, “There’s no God in the Star Trek universe – and an exchange relayed by Entertainment Weekly confirms it.”

I am not going to post the exchange here because of the use of God’s name as profanity.  See the article here.

I would also like to say although I am a fan of Star Trek, mainly the Original Series (TOS), I have no use for the spin offs. I tolerated The Next Generation (TNG).  The movies based on the original series were OK, but you could tell they were getting more Progressive and Politically Correct. I was not even Born Again at that time and could see where it was going. I probably will not watch Discovery as I am sure it will be filled with homosexuals, lesbians, trannies and God hating innuendo! 

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