Natural Disasters are on the Rise

  Could it be possible that someone is trying to get our attention?  Michael Snyder asks that question in his article posted below. You bet, and that “someone” is the LORD! The reason is, this is a SIN SICK Nation and World!  The increasing number of natural disasters and terrible storms have many people wondering, who controls the weather, God … Click Here to Read More

Current Plagues Right Now are Just Signs of MUCH WORSE Things to Come!

Are you ready??? If not, or you don’t know, here is your chance to get ready… Find Out How Here Luke 21:25-29 “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; 26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, … Click Here to Read More

Plagues, Volcanoes, Earthquakes and Wild Weather the New Norm for a Sin Sick World!

A Plague Of Locusts, Earthquakes In Diverse Places, And Weather That Has Gone Completely Nuts   It is going by the Book folks! Best get ready! Luke 21:28   Record-Smashing Bombogenesis Blizzard Hits Newfoundland, Canada! Here’s The Best Pictures And Videos  Michael Snyder – It is almost as if someone flipped some sort of a switch as 2020 began, because … Click Here to Read More

World Meteorological Organization: All Time deadliest and extreme weather events across the planet

On Thursday, May 18, 2017, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has announced “world records” for the highest reported historical death tolls from tropical cyclones, tornadoes, lightning and hailstorms. It marks the first time the official WMO Archive of Weather and Climate Extremes has broadened its scope from temperature and weather records to address the impacts of specific events.

The findings were announced just ahead of two major conferences on improving multi-hazard early warning systems and strengthening disaster risk reduction, taking place in Cancun, Mexico from May 22 to 26 and organized by WMO and the UN Office on Disaster Risk Reduction.

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