Hellywood Writer: “Societies falling apart”! Stops Writing New Episodes for Show He Created

Black Mirror Creator Has Stopped Writing Because Society Is Collapsing For Real “I don’t know what stomach there would be for stories about societies falling apart.” These shows, and others like them, are created to put the masses into a trance and Gaslight them! The CIA has “advisors” who help Hellywood writers!   The CIA and the Media: 50 Facts the … Click Here to Read More

Reversing Death? US company to start trials ‘reawakening the dead’ in Latin America

A US firm called Bioquark plans to test stem cell theory on brain dead patients.

I don’t know why they are going to Latin America. There are plenty of “Brain Dead” Communist Democratic politicians walking around they can use as test subjects. Hillary and Bill Clinton along with Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren, just to name a few. Oh and the RINO’s too, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Paul Ryan, etc. Then you have the Fake News Outlets who are certifiably retarded as well as brain dead! Yes, they need not go south as the loony bin is full of test subjects right here in the good ole USofA!

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