Will Kanye West and Jezebel Wife get an audience with the Pope?

I wonder if ole Kim will wear her best—bare her breasts and shake her booty for the Pope?  Oh that’s right— Catholics priests only go for altar boys! It’s the Baptists that go for Harlots like ole Kim!  My bad!! Former Catholic Priest Jonathan Morris Predicts That Kanye West Will Soon Be Headed To The Vatican For Private Meeting With … Click Here to Read More

Texas Governor Gregg Abbott TRUMPS former Houston Mayor and Lesbian Annise Parker

Attempt to silence Houston Area Preachers results in the Sermon Protection Act. There is now protection from these Deviate, God hating, Communist Leftists…., in Texas anyways. But will that stop them? NO! They will plant deviates in churches and then claim discrimination or something else that will muzzle the gelding in the pulpit. I doubt there will be many who … Click Here to Read More

The Shack and the Laodiceans

Update June 26, 2018: Shack author says people can be saved after they die. NOT! See excerpts of article below. It is the gospel of Joel Osteen, Oprah Winfrey and other disciples of Satan! Also note that in the movie they will Depict God as a “Curvy Black Woman“! Why God is a curvy, black woman in ‘The Shack’ and … Click Here to Read More