The Jezebel Spirit is Running Rampant

Understanding What The Jezebel Spirit Is And What You Can Do As A Saved Christian To Guard Against It From Appearing In Your Life Geoffrey Grider | NTEB – As born again Christians, we are called to a higher standard, that is always the goal though sometimes we admittedly will miss the mark. But our apostle Paul is crystal clear … Click Here to Read More

Street Preachers Belittled, Spit on at Women’s March on Washington

Bible-believing street evangelists warning against all sin, including abortion and homosexuality, were shouted down, spat on and had water thrown on them by participants of the Women’s March on Washington on Saturday afternoon.

As hundreds of thousands of Americans descended to the nation’s capital to stand for “women’s rights” and protest President Donald Trump in the demonstration organized by pro-choice groups like Planned Parenthood, various groups of Christian believers also took the streets to warn the predominantly-liberal crowd about what the Bible has to say about sin.

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