The Gestapo Is Coming for Religious Extremists, Evangelical Christians and Pro-life Activists

The Police State Is Coming For “Religious Extremists”, “Evangelical Christians”, “Pro-Life” Activists And “Libertarians” Michael Snyder – If you cherish faith, family and freedom, you might want to keep a low profile for a while.  The Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2021 has been unveiled in Congress, and it has bipartisan support.  It is essentially “the Patriot Act on steroids”, … Click Here to Read More

Cry Bullies Block me on Face Book for 7 days

Well I have been a bad boy and have been kicked out of the sand box once again. I am blocked, and will probably be Banned soon, for Speaking the Truth about LGBTTQQIAAP ( lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, ally, pansexual ). Yet they let people make DEATH THREATS against the president: “Kill Trump, Hang Him, … Click Here to Read More

Face book removes post about Transvestite Preacher

Numbers 32:23  “But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the LORD: and be sure your sin will find you out.”

The SS Officers in the Face Book Gestapo have removed a post, then 2 days later blocked me from posting, liking, sharing on my personal account as well on my pages Exposing Satanism and Government Propaganda.

That was the message on June 27, 2017. It was due to a post I shared entitled Another Fake Christian comes out as a Tranny. Please read the article and if you have the guts, are not afraid of the Communists at face book, Share it!

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