Faux Pastor Associated with the Clinton Sex Trafficking Cabal Arrested for Child Sex Crimes

This guy was no Pastor or preacher of the Gospel—He is a Satanist! I searched and searched and no where did I find anything about about what kind of “devout Christians” they were! Clay, who earned a degree in visual arts at Seattle Pacific University, a private Christian liberal arts school, was also building his tattooing and body art business, … Click Here to Read More

Homosexual Amish/Mennonite Raped of Dozens of Haitian Children

US Aid Worker’s Serial Rape of Dozens of Haitian Children Rocks Amish Mennonite-Run Charity Heather Clark | Christian News – A U.S.-based aid worker who worked with a Amish Mennonite-run charity in Haiti has fled back to Ohio after it was discovered that he has been sexually abusing boys in the country, with reportedly as many as 40 children being … Click Here to Read More