LGBTQPXYZ News: March 21, 2019

Do Pedophiles Actually Rule The World?

Do pedophiles rule the world?  Some may claim this is nothing more than a “conspiracy theory” (wink, wink).  Right, we’ve heard that before, but the reality is that there are pedophiles among the most affluent, influential and elitist people in the world.  Exhibit A is Jeffrey Epstein and the State Department and his soon to be, hopefully, released black book of most elite pedophiles to which he catered.  Though don’t look for that to become a reality without him being snuffed out in an apparent “suicide.”  And don’t forget that he was given a sweetheart deal for “information” by the attorneys who worked for the very guy that became President Donald Trump’s Labor Secretary, which has led to an investigation into the matter.

Yet, the evidence and testimony, even of many Hollywood actors and actresses, along with men, women and children the world over carries great weight in bearing witness to the fact that there are many in positions of authority who engage in pedophilia, something that the Lord Jesus Christ said it would have been better if they just drown themselves instead of engaging in (Luke 17:2). Read more here

Houston ‘ Drag Queen Storytime’ Shuts Down After Participant Outed As Child Sex Offender

The organizers of Houston Public Library’s “ Drag Queen Storytime” have decided to shut down their monthly grooming program after facing too much heat over one of their participants being outed as a convicted child sex offender.

From The Houston Chronicle:

In an open letter published by Houstonia magazine, the organizers of Houston’s Drag Queen Story Time said they are shuttering the controversial program after recent news that one of their readers had previously sexually assaulted an 8-year-old child.

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Man who went from transgender to a third sex now admits he was mentally ill and that it was all a sham

Jamie Shupe is a biological male who, four years ago, went public declaring himself to be a MtF (male to female) transgender.

A year later, he declared himself to be neither male nor female, but a third sex, and even got an Oregon judge agreeing that he be identified as a “third sex” — the first American to obtain nonbinary status under law. He even managed to get the U.S. government issue him a new birth certificate that designates his sex as “unknown”.

Now, Shupe, a retired U.S. Army sergeant, has changed his mind again.

He now believes his “transgenderism” is really autogynephilia — men who are attracted to the thought or image of themselves as females — and that he simply wanted to dress as a woman. In other words, he’s a transvestite, not a transgender.

In an article for the Daily Signal on March 10, 2019, titled “I was America’s First ‘Nonbinary’ Person. It Was a Sham,” Shupe admits he was “severely” mentally ill (“psychotic”) and that he wants to live as a man again because “biological sex is immutable.” He blames the PC “ transgender” propaganda (“out-of-control, transgender activism” of LGBT organizations like Lambda Legal and Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund, as well as activist judges) for intimidating the medical profession of nurses, therapists, doctors and hospitals who enabled his confusion. Read more here

Girl Finds “ Transgender” Boy Staring at Her in Locker Room — Told to Go OUTSIDE Until He Was Done

Proving again that “the eye altering alters all,” a Pennsylvania high-school girl recently found a boy’s lustful eye fixed upon her in her locker room — then was told her only recourse was to wait outside until he was done changing.

Of course, at issue is changing school policy that allows a boy who changes his so-called “gender identity” and claims girlhood status to use the girls’ facilities. As the Family Research Council reports:

There are at least 787 students at Pennsylvania’s Honesdale High — but only one of them seemed to know about a major change in the school’s rules. The others found out the most traumatic way possible: when they walked into the girls’ locker room and found a teenage boy in women’s underwear.

For at least one 15-year-old sophomore, the situation was terrifying. “It was first period,” she remembers, “and I had gym class. And I walked in [to change] with all my friends, and while I was putting on my pants, I heard a man’s voice. So I turned around, and he’s standing there on the opposite aisle looking at me. I glanced down, and I could tell that he was wearing women’s underwear and what was underneath it.” When the boy stared back at her — and the entire group of partially-dressed girls — she was horrified.

When she got home that afternoon, she told her mom and dad what happened. Turns out, the students weren’t the only ones who’d never been notified about the policy. Still in shock, they called the principal and Wayne County superintendent. Neither were particularly sorry about the girls’ experience. And to prove it, they refused to lift a finger to help. The girls’ only option was to wait outside the locker room — a place designated for them — until the boy inside was finished.

The girl’s family has since obtained legal representation and has filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education’s Civil Rights Division. Her lawyers have also “posted a video online [below] along with their complaint alleging the school’s policy on transgender use of locker rooms violated the girl’s civil rights,” informs Read more here

Drag Queen Performs For 2-Year-Old Boy – Dances in Skimpy Outfit – Spreads His Legs in Toddler’s Face

A drag queen dressed in a skimpy outfit paired with thigh-high boots performed for a 2-year-old boy in New Jersey over the weekend.

Marti Gould Cummings posted the appalling video to Twitter on Saturday with a caption, “When a 2-year-old comes to brunch, you perform Baby Shark for them.”

The drag queen is seen dancing to a song during the new ‘What’s the Tea Drag Brunch’ at Talde, a restaurant in New Jersey.

The queen serenaded the toddler then hopped up on the table within a couple feet of the 2-year-old boy’s face and spread his legs.

“Anyone who thinks drag isn’t for children is wrong,” Cummings said in an interview with NBC News. “Drag is expression, and children are such judgment-free beings; they don’t really care what you’re wearing, just what you’re performing.”

“It’s the same when I do Drag Queen Story Hour,” he added, referring to the sick and twisted trend where drag queens read to children at public libraries and bookstores. “They don’t care that I am a gay man in a dress; they care about the story I am reading.”

“It would be nice if us adults could let the child inside of us out for a little bit, so maybe we could all be a little more accepting of others ourselves,” Cummings continued. Read more here

Google banned Christian YouTube ad on homosexuality after backlash from employees

A video advertisement informing people on the Bible’s teachings on homosexuality was banned by Google-owned YouTube and ruled to be “counter” to the organization’s mission.

The Daily Caller News Foundation has reported that a Google vice president in June 2018 moved to prohibit a video advertisement from Messianic Jewish Radio host Michael Brown from being advertised on YouTube after employees called the video “homophobic.”

The video in question is titled “Can you be gay and be a Christian?” and was posted on Brown’s “AskDrBrownAccount.” In the video, Brown, an author, host of the “Line of Fire” podcast, and contributor to The Christian Post and other publications, argues that homosexual sex is a sin.

Although he argues it is no worse than other sins, he states that Christians are called to abstain from sinful behavior. Read more here

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
If you appreciate what this Ministry is doing to Expose the Fake Christians, Satanists, Witches, Communist/Socialist Democrats, R.I.N.O Republicans and the assault on our Conservative, True Christian values, please consider a small donation to help us continue and expand. This Ministry is not only under attack by the Enemy, we are now under attack from supposed Christians also. It is what Tom Horn calls 'Blood on the Altar"!