Report Shows 57 Percent Jump in Aggression against Christians in India

NEW DELHI (Morning Star News) – Cases of hate and violence against Christians in India increased 57 percent the first two months of this year compared with the same period last year, an advocacy group reported. The Evangelical Fellowship of India’s Religious Liberty Commission (EFIRLC) documented 77 incidents of hate and targeted violence against Christians in January and February, up from … Click Here to Read More

Muslim’s attack 10 Churchs in Ethiopia while Chanting “Allah Akbar” which means Allah is Greater

NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Christians in a town in southern Ethiopia were stunned when local Muslims attacked 10 church buildings on Feb. 9, destroying one and burning the property inside all the structures, according to aid agencies. Chanting the jihadist slogan, “Allahu akbar [God is greater],” Muslims in Halaba Kulito targeted worship buildings belonging to eight denominations, reported … Click Here to Read More

The Murder of Christians continues in Nigeria

Muslim Fulani herdsmen kill 12 at church wedding reception.  JAGINDI, Nigeria (Morning Star News) – Nigerian Christians this month prayed that national elections would bring leaders who can stop Islamist attacks on them following killings by Boko Haram extremists and Muslim Fulani herdsmen. In the wake of a Muslim herdsmen attack on a church wedding that killed 12 Christians Kaduna state … Click Here to Read More

Preacher Arrested for Preaching the Gospel in London

An African Christian preacher was arrested in London for preaching about Jesus Christ. In the video you will here the Gestapo tell him they would arrest him for “Breach of Peace” and “Preaching Hate” if he did not leave! Acts 5:27-29 “And when they had brought them, they set [them] before the council: and the high priest asked them, 28 … Click Here to Read More

Amazon Prime Documentary ‘Bible Conspiracies’ is Anti-Christ!

Amazon Prime Documentary ‘Bible Conspiracies’ Claims Pagan Philosopher Apollonius Of Tyana is the Real Son of God Not Jesus Christ. The Amazon documentary Bible Conspiracies, suggests that Jesus might actually be Apollonius. The documentary does not dispute that Jesus existed as a historical figure, however, it claims that the person described in the New Testament as the ‘son of God’ … Click Here to Read More

Church in Nepal Forced to Shut Down

Elsewhere in Himalayan country, evangelists arrested, deported! NEW DELHI (Morning Star News) – High-caste Hindus who have been harassing a church in Nepal forced it to shut down last week, sources said. For two months Brahmins, the highest caste from which Hindu priests and teachers are drawn, in western Nepal’s Palpa District had disrupted worship of the Pakhluwa Eternal Life … Click Here to Read More

Muslims open fire on a bus Murdering at least 7 Christians in Egypt

BT News – At least 7 killed, 14 injured after Muslim terrorists open fire on a bus carrying Coptic Christian worshipers heading to a monastery in Minya, about 270km south of Cairo. The archbishop of Minya said that at least seven people were killed and 14 wounded in the terror attack. The seven murdered included two women and five men. … Click Here to Read More

Christian Persecution is on the Rise!

John 15:18-21 “If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. 19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. 20 Remember the word that I said unto … Click Here to Read More

Was the 6.8 Quake just offshore in Greece a Shaking by God?

Consider this. The quake hit 14 days after they destroyed a Cross because it might offend Muslims!!  ATHENS (Reuters) – A powerful earthquake shook western Greece early on Friday, (8.26/18) damaging a port and a 15th century monastery, but causing no major injuries, officials and local media said.  The quake sent out tremors felt as far afield as Libya, Italy, … Click Here to Read More

Greece: Large Christian Cross Pulled Down Because it Could Be “Offensive” to Muslim Migrants

Pro-refugee group calls cross a symbol of racism 1st Corinthians 1:18 “For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.” Islam can’t stand up to the Cross and that my friends is why they hate it so much!! John 15:18 “If the world hate you, … Click Here to Read More