How Should a Christian View the Separation of Church and State and How Should a Christian View Politics?

What does it really mean? In Jon’s plain and simple English, “Hey government, keep your demonic nose out of my Biblical belief. You DO NOT run my life!” I would say probably around 80% of those who profess to be Christians are Biblically Ignorant as to what Separation of Church and State really means. Most just think, and parrot, what … Click Here to Read More

Puppets in the Pulpit: Who is in Control of the Church?

Who Really Controls the Church? Dave Daubenmire – This is not your Grandpa’s America. The idea of an all-caring benevolent partnership between the Church and the State no longer exists.  With the appearance of the latest national crisis it is becoming painfully obvious to anyone with a functioning brain that the Church /Government relationship is irrevocably broken. What happens when … Click Here to Read More