Methodists Embracing Homosexual PBS Cartoon that Indoctrinates Children

United Methodist ‘Church’ to Host Screening of Homosexual ‘Arthur’ Episode, ‘Wedding Party’ for Mr. Ratburn BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — A United Methodist “church” in Alabama has decided to host a “wedding party” featuring a free screening of the “Arthur” episode surrounding the same-sex “wedding” of Mr. Ratburn after Alabama Public Television said that it would not air the broadcast. The screening … Click Here to Read More

John Lewis Civil Rights Hero or Communist Traitor?

2nd Timothy 3:4 “Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;”  Jon Watkins Online Ministries  January 20, 2017 Update July, 18, 2020 Georgia Rep. John Lewis, a leader of civil rights movement, dead at 80  One report states that he was in office for 33 years. 33 an Occult number! Acts 17:26 “And hath made of one … Click Here to Read More

Social Gospel

The Social Gospel is a false gospel of Secular Humanism. I will use Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren as examples. Hillary Clinton Shares Why She Likes Methodist Church, and Promotes the Social Gospel Jon Watkins  Online Ministries   April 30, 2014 What is “Social Gospel”? It certainly isn’t the Gospel that Jesus commanded the Disciples to go and preach to … Click Here to Read More