House Passes 666 law for the Disabled

House Passes A Microchipping Law That Is Intended To Help Local Authorities Microchip Disabled People

Michael Snyder  December 15, 2016 – The U.S. House of Representatives has passed a bill that would get the federal government heavily involved in microchipping disabled people for tracking purposes.  If you would like to read it for yourself, you can find H.R. 4919 right here.  The bill is also known as Kevin and Avonte’s Law, and the idea behind it is that if disabled people are microchipped it won’t be so easy for them to get lost.  Of course we have been microchipping pets in this country for years, and this is yet another giant step down the road toward universal microchipping of everyone.  We are being told that implanted microchips will make those with developmental disabilities “safer”, but where does this stop?  Pretty soon there will be a huge push to microchip all children “for their safety”, and once that is accomplished it won’t be too long before they will want to microchip the entire population.

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NASA scientist warns Earth is due for ‘extinction-level’ event

NASA scientist warns Earth is due for ‘extinction-level’ event

The Bible warns of Wormwood which is believed to be a meteor or asteroid of some kind. Be assured life will not be wiped out again like it was during the flood. Revelation 8:11 “And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.”

The New York Post December 14, 2016 – A NASA scientist is warning that Earth is due for an “extinction-level” event like a comet or asteroid strike — and claims there won’t be anything we can do to stop it.

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Judging Others: The Biblical Way according to the Word of God

Is It Right to Judge others?  What does the Bible say? The majority of this comes from Bible and I have added to it and amended parts.   God is the only one who can Judge and condemn someone to Hell. However…….. How many times have you heard someone whine, “Judge not, that ye be not judged?” This verse … Click Here to Read More

I’m an atheist. So why can’t I shake God?

A Sheep gone Astray I’m an atheist. So why can’t I shake God? Article by Elizabeth King here Isaiah 53:6 “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him (Jesus) the iniquity of us all. Jon Watkins – Online Ministries February 23, 2016 Editing, corrections and … Click Here to Read More

Supposed Pro-Life John Kasich Vetoes Bill Banning Abortion When Heartbeat Detected

Republican Gov. John Kasich Vetoes Bill Banning Abortion When Heartbeat Detected, Signs 20-Week Ban

Christian News December 13, 2016 COLUMBUS, Ohio – Republican governor and former presidential candidate John Kasich vetoed a bill on Tuesday that would have banned abortion when a heartbeat is detected, while signing into law legislation that bans abortion after 20 weeks gestation.

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Be Angry ans Sin Not Part 2

Be Angry ans Sin Not Part 2 The following article is by Francis Swaggart in the May 2016 Evangelist Magazine. It is also online here. Colossians 3:8 – “But now you also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth.” It’s a story that we’ve heard all too often about the young husband and … Click Here to Read More

Be Angry And Sin Not

Ephesians 4:26-27 “Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: 27 Neither give place to the devil.” Jon Watkins Online Ministries  May 1, 2016 Cynthia Pawl edited this article. Yea right! Easier said than done! Speaking from personal experience, I can say that anger was one of the biggest strongholds in my life. … Click Here to Read More

UN-Answered Prayer

Why do my Prayer go Un-answered? Does God here me? 2nd Chronicles 7:14-15 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Now mine eyes shall be open, and … Click Here to Read More

Bio-metric banking breakthrough has already begun

Eye Verify CEO says bio-metric banking breakthrough has already begun

December 6, 2016 –

The tipping point for bio-metric authentication for mobile banking may have already arrived, Eye Verify CEO and founder Toby Rush says. Further, that position is not one of optimism, he says, but observation of financial institutions currently achieving their user experience and security goals with bio-metric implementations.

Also see many news articles of the Technology of the Mark of the Beast here.

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List of Banned Baby Names in Australian State

God, Christ, Lord, Satan on List of Banned Baby Names in Australian State

Christian Post December 7, 2016 = The state government of Victoria, Australia, has included God, Christ, Lord and Satan on a list of more than 40 baby names they have banned as being either too offensive or official as American parents are expected to trend toward adopting names of more mythological deities and supreme evil beings like Lucifer.

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