Toilet Paper and the Government Won’t and Can’t Save You! But I Know Someone Who Can!!

You are being Gaslighted, Manipulated, and Mind Controlled! That will lead to irrational behavior and mental breakdown! It could also lead to many possibly committing suicide, or to be suicided by authorities! Please read on and find out how to shake off the manipulation and get your mind right! 2nd Thessalonians 2:11 “And for this cause God shall send them … Click Here to Read More

Who does Nasty Nancy Pelosi Pray to?

Nancy Pelosi to Stephen Colbert: I ‘Prayed’ for America After Learning of Trump’s Ukraine Call Breitbart News – Appearing Thursday on CBS’s The Late Show with host Stephen Colbert, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said she “prayed” for the United States after learning of President Donald Trump’s telephone conversation with the leader of Ukraine, which has sparked an impeachment inquiry … Click Here to Read More

Anarchists Yell “Lucifer!” after Prayer in Jesus’ name at GOP Town Hall

They became especially furious when the chaplain closed the prayer “in Jesus’s name”
Liberal protesters became enraged when a Louisiana town hall with Republican Sen. Bill Cassidy opened with a prayer earlier this week, screaming at the chaplain as he tried to lead the crowd in prayer.

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