Eye of the Storm and Your Secret Place

Christians Should Be Excited About Wars-Rumors Of Wars and STOP Praying For Peace! Matthew 24:6-8 “And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be … Click Here to Read More

Mocking God: Yes Fredo, We DO Need HELP From ABOVE!

Chris Cuomo Tells Americans They ‘Don’t Need Help From Above’ In his case he is right, because he gets his help from BELOW, HELL, where his Daddy Satan will soon be residing with him! On Friday night, (6/26/20) CNN host Chris (Fredo) Cuomo emphasized to viewers that they do not need “help from above” but can do the right thing … Click Here to Read More

Released North Korea Missionary was told his ‘hostile act against regime’ was Prayer!

This should be an Ahhh-Haaa moment for the Church! Satan hates Prayer, that is True Prayer, and not vain repetitious babblings or bead rubbing that some man-made religions promote. World Watch Monitor – One of the American citizens who was released by North Korea and returned to the United States last month was told by his captors he was detained … Click Here to Read More

A Prayer for World and the Deviates who Control it!

Here is what American needs to be Praying. This will upset the majority of you feel good Sunday Christians, BUT, It’s what is needed to rout out corruption, perversion, and bring these criminals in government to justice!! Father we come to you in the name of Jesus. We ask that you hear this prayer from those who have the courage … Click Here to Read More