Abortion King Affirms that the Unborn are BABIES and NOT a Lump of Flesh or a Fetus in Sex-Ed Video

Jeremiah 1:4-5 “Then the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, 5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.” Biblical Creation can be likened to a smooth straight paved highway. God paved that way Himself. … Click Here to Read More

Homosexual Lutheran Church Pastor Arrested for Child Porn!

Another one bites the Dust! I suppose the Sodomite was not happy packing fudge with Adult Homos, so he turned to Children! Bay Area Reporter – A gay San Francisco pastor, who has historically fought for gay rights in the Lutheran Church, was arrested on charges of possession of child pornography, according to the San Francisco Police Department. The Reverend … Click Here to Read More

LGBTQPXYZ News: December 10, 2018

Virginia Teacher Fired for Refusing to Use Transgender Pronouns A Virginia local school board decided to terminate a French teacher for his refusal to address a transgender student with their preferred pronouns on Thursday. Peter Vlaming, 47, had been in an ongoing dispute with school officials over the matter, insisting that being forced to use trans pronouns would be a … Click Here to Read More

Why won’t Famous Christians Tell the Truth about Homosexuality?

Are they REALLY Christians, or merely giving lip service? Churchianity: Christians doing Christian activity based on the concepts of man! This is Modern Christianity 1st John 2:16 “For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.” … Click Here to Read More

LGBTQPXYZ News: December 7, 2018

Tranny odds-on favorite to win Miss Universe Miss Universe is breaking new ground at this year’s pageant with the first transgender contestant to ever compete for the crown, and those betting on the competition are declaring her a heavy favorite. Angela Ponce won her qualifying rounds in Spain and will represent her country at the 2018 Miss Universe pageant in … Click Here to Read More

LGBTQPXYZ News: November 27, 2018

Hollywood’s War on Christianity: Chip and Joanna Gaines SMEARED After New Network Announcement Note: I really don’t care what celebrities do. However, the LGBTQPXYZ lovers have no problem when the Communist networks parade, praise and promote Tranny children on their networks. It is CHILD ABUSE and the parents should be charged with such! Just read the next news clip after … Click Here to Read More

Archbishop of Canterbury Declares God Gender Neutral

“Church leaders called for the revisions to correct the “overwhelming use of masculine language” which they believe to be a “barrier to evangelizing young people,” according to Fox News.” No, what they mean is they want to evangelize the LGBTQPXYZ crowd and bring them into the fold, just as the Catholic Church did with the Pagans long ago by adapting … Click Here to Read More

LGBTQPXYZ News: November 21, 2018

Canadian Woman Upset After Church Revokes Membership Over Unrepentant Lesbianism OSHAWA, Ontario — A woman in Canada who is in a same-sex relationship recently took to Facebook and the media to express her objection after her church revoked her membership status as she had been repeatedly urged to repent of homosexuality but would not heed the counsel of her pastoral … Click Here to Read More

You won’t believe what they are they Teaching Elementary Children!

‘Simply not age appropriate’: Parent Slams Elementary School’s Transgender Awareness Campaign ‘We are saddened that this highly controversial and divisive topic would be invited to be presented to such young children’ Adan Salazar – The parent of a student at a Colorado elementary school are raising concerns over a transgender awareness indoctrination workshop. The Superior Elementary School in Boulder County … Click Here to Read More

LGBTQPXYZ News: November 18, 2018

Victoria’s Secret Executive: ‘Hope’ to Include a Transgender Model in Women’s Lingerie Show The Victoria’s Secret brand hopes to showcase a ‘ transgender’ biological man in women’s underwear, says Ed Razek, the brand’s chief marketing officer. Razek’s statement came after progressives and transgender activists rallied on social media to complain he was excluding men who live as women from the brand’s … Click Here to Read More