Babies that Survive Abortions: What does Planned Murder-hood do with them?

Proverbs 1:15-16 “My son, walk not thou in the way with them; refrain thy foot from their path: 16 For their feet run to evil, and make haste to shed blood.” Michael Snyder – What I am about to share with you is absolutely sickening. But if we do not shine a light on these practices, they will never stop. … Click Here to Read More

Southern Baptist LEADERS Demons Manifest! Will NOT support Bill to Abolish Abortion!

Jesus warned us about these Enemies that put on a Facade! Matthew 7:15-20 “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree … Click Here to Read More

Abortion News February 23, 2019

Sticky: Overview of State Abortion Laws Sticky: What Companies support Abortion? NY Abortion Clinic Assures Woman ‘Baby Will Be Killed If Born Alive’  Luke 17:2 “It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.”  Murder of the Unborn–now Legal for … Click Here to Read More

Abortion News February 9, 2019

Sticky: Overview of State Abortion Laws Sticky: What Companies support Abortion? Mark Hamill of ‘Star Wars’ to do ‘abortion’ with ‘Jedi wand’? Donald Trump Calls On Congress To Ban Late-Term Abortions So-called Christian Politicians Reject God’s View of Human Life Abortion Champion Pelosi Worried About ‘Generations To Come’ Senate Democrats Block Bill to Protect Babies Surviving Abortion Arkansas Senate Passes … Click Here to Read More

Death Cult Leader Pelosi on Trump’s call for Ban of Late Term Abortions: “Sad Thing”!

Nasty Nancy Pelosi Calls Trump’s Request To Ban Late-Term Abortion ‘Really Quite A Sad Thing’ Kerry Picket –  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi responded Wednesday to President Donald Trump’s call for legislation to ban late-term abortion by saying it’s a “sad thing.” “It’s really quite a sad thing when you know that we’ll be talking about something that applies to the … Click Here to Read More

Nasty Nancy Pelosi and her Cohorts are Agents of Evil!

Catholic Speaker Pelosi Invited Planned Parenthood President as her Guest to SOTU Address This Wicked Jezebel also says that Democrats do the work of God! Which god is she talking about? It is reflected in their actions. The saying “Birds of a feather flock together” is for a reason! House Speaker Nancy Pelosi invited the president of Planned Parenthood Leana … Click Here to Read More

Abortion News February 2, 2019

Sticky: Overview of State Abortion Laws Sticky: What Companies support Abortion? Satan’s Handmaidens Gave A Standing Ovation Abortionist Holds Up Aborted Baby’s Head in New Video Alabama Supreme Court Rules Unborn Baby is a Person 7 states already allow abortion up to birth  Not just New York Iowa Bans Most Abortions As Governor Signs ‘Heartbeat’ Bill The Abortion Agenda: Its … Click Here to Read More

Why does God allow Bad Stuff to Happen?

Update 4/14/2020: People are also asking why is God allowing the current Chi-Comm Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid-19 to happen. The answer is the same for any calamity or event. A Sin sick world! Atheist Harvard Professor Pinker: Where Was God When Florida Massacre Happened? People are asking the same thing about the Santa Fe School Shooting and the answer is Still … Click Here to Read More