Lucifer and his Mind Control Minions send a disciple to commit Murder and Mayhem in a Church in Antioch, Tennessee

Killer was from Antioch. Victim from Smyrna

Update: Antioch Church killer Emanuel Kidega Samson Motive

Samson was a Sudanese born body builder, who graduated from Smyrna High School and studied Psychology at Mott Community College

Is it a coincidence that the shooting took place in Antioch? Is it also Coincidence the dead woman is from Smyrna? I think not! Antioch in Biblical times was and still is important to Christianity. It was there that the Disciples were first called Christians!  Smyrna is one of the Seven Churches in Revelation!

Emanuel Kidega Samson Sudanese terrorist kills 1 at church in Antioch. “There will be no riots, no mass looting and no burning down of buildings”

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Antifa: Are they good people who doing the work of Angels?

MSNBC (Communist fake news outlet) Host Nicolle Wallace thinks so, and defends them: She says they are “good people” on “the side of angels.” Isaiah 5:20 “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” 2nd Corinthians 11:13-15 “For such are … Click Here to Read More

Muslim Loving Homosexual Canadian Prime Minister

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau Says All Men Should Be Feminists, Calls For End to Bro Culture

This is the kind of “Bro’s” Jolly Justin  likes. You know, the Fudge Packers!

Chris Menahan Information Liberation – Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called for “Bro culture” to come to an end and said all men need to become feminists and “shut down” one another’s “negative conversations” in locker rooms.

“It’s not only that men can be feminists, it’s that men should be feminists as well,” Trudeau said with a lisp Wednesday at a United Nations youth empowerment meeting in New York.

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Communist Scumbag Bill Maher: Trump’s properties NOT damaged so there is no God!

Psalms 14:1 “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.” On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher stated the fact that none of President Trump’s properties in the path of Hurricane Irma were damaged by the storm shows that God … Click Here to Read More

Democrat Campaign Spokeswoman Reaffirms Party of Death: ‘No Interest’ in Working with Pro-Life Democrats

Breitbart News – A spokeswoman Jezebel Whore for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) has contradicted her boss, DCCC chairman Rep. Ben Ray Luján (D-NM), who said, “There is not a litmus test for Democratic candidates” on abortion rights.

“The DCCC has no interest in working with Democrats for Life of America, despite their attempts,” said DCCC spokeswoman Meredith Kelly, according to the Atlantic, which also reports that Kristen Day of Democrats for Life of America said the “lines of communication are open” between her organization and the DCCC.

The contradiction highlights the continued turmoil within the Democratic Party over the issue of how to win back the majority in Congress.

Luján’s statement was also in sharp contrast to the Democratic Party’s 2016 platform – its most pro-abortion ever – and to Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Tom Perez’s announcement in April that pro-life individuals are not welcome in his party.

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Female Jesus Cult members arrested in China

They believe God has returned to earth as a Chinese woman. This is not new as there are many Nuts that claim to be Jesus! See Wacko nuts claiming to be Jesus

BBC NewsPolice in China have detained 18 suspected members of a banned religious cult, state news agency Xinhua said.

The group is notorious for some of its members beating a woman to death in a McDonald’s restaurant in 2014 after she refused to give them her phone number.

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Another Fake Christian comes out as a Tranny

I wonder how many more perverts were “planted” as a result of his Satanic organization? Like Beelzebub, the lord of the FLIES, you will see them HATCHING everywhere!

This is another  Wide Gate Believer who thinks God will overlook his Iniquity and Perversion!

UPDATE: Face book removed the link  to this article I posted on the Exposing Satanism Face Book Page.

Christian Post – Paul Williams, who led the conservative church planting organization Orchard Group for 20 years, has publicly come out as a transgender woman named Paula Stone Williams.

Williams began his work with Orchard Group in 1979 and became the president and chairman of the group in 1989, driven by a “simple statement of faith.”

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Satanic Eugenicist Bill Maher showing True Colors

Bill says: The Best Thing You Can do for the Environment Is ‘Not Produce Another Resource-Sucking’ Human

Why don’t you go commit Harakiri Bill or suck on a car tail pipe if you’re so worried about over population and the environment? Or better yet go play Russian Roulette by yourself since you’re so fixated with them!

Breitbart News – On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher pitched a holiday for people who don’t have children and argued that not having children is the best thing you can do for the environment.

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New Mental Illness Identified and Manifests across the Globe

Trump Derangement Syndrome is a Mental Disease and has Infected  Snowflake Democrats, GOP Traitors and others around the World. The same manifestations are evident in Bi-Polar, Schizophrenia, Multiple Personality Disorder, Manic Depressive Behavior, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and others listed by quack Psychiatrists. World Net Daily – Washington – “The assassination plot directed at Republican members of Congress Wednesday morning is … Click Here to Read More