LGBTQPXYZ News: November 21, 2018

Canadian Woman Upset After Church Revokes Membership Over Unrepentant Lesbianism OSHAWA, Ontario — A woman in Canada who is in a same-sex relationship recently took to Facebook and the media to express her objection after her church revoked her membership status as she had been repeatedly urged to repent of homosexuality but would not heed the counsel of her pastoral … Click Here to Read More

LGBTQPXYZ News: November 18, 2018

Victoria’s Secret Executive: ‘Hope’ to Include a Transgender Model in Women’s Lingerie Show The Victoria’s Secret brand hopes to showcase a ‘ transgender’ biological man in women’s underwear, says Ed Razek, the brand’s chief marketing officer. Razek’s statement came after progressives and transgender activists rallied on social media to complain he was excluding men who live as women from the brand’s … Click Here to Read More

LGBTQPXYZ News: November 11, 2018

Scotland makes LGBTPXYZ indoctrination mandatory for School Children Schools in Scotland soon will be required to teach students LGBT history to prevent “homophobia and transphobia” and to encourage exploration of their gender identity. That’s according to the London Guardian, which says Scotland has become the first nation in the world to embed teaching about gender options in its regular school … Click Here to Read More

LGBTQPXYZ News: November 7, 2018

Professor Investigated for Declining to Address Male Student With Feminine Pronouns Files Suit PORTSMOUTH, Ohio — An Ohio professor who was placed under investigation for declining to address a male student who identifies as female with feminine pronouns has filed suit, stating that he should not be forced to violate his Christian convictions. Dr. Nicholas Meriwether, a philosophy professor at … Click Here to Read More

LGBTQPXYZ News: October 27, 2018

Trump Admin Plans To Scientifically Define Gender According To Biological Condition Present At Birth Leftists go Berserk!  LGBTQ activists use leftist tactics to split a church Activists within the United Methodist Church (UMC), America’s second largest Protestant denomination, are using the tactics of the American political Left to leverage a major change in their church. Those tactics include using: (A.) … Click Here to Read More

PILLs: Perverts In Lunatic Land News  July 17th 2023

The Sexual Perverts are after YOUR  Children and Grand-Children!  And because there is so much news about the perverts, I can’t keep up with it and am overwhelmed! So…, I will just gather a few headlines in the “Perverts in Lunatic Land“ Section and post it once or twice a Month! These are the epitome of Romans One! Don’t know … Click Here to Read More

PILLs: Perverts In Lunatic Land News September 7th 2022

The Sexual Perverts are after YOUR  Children and Grand-Children!  And because there is so much news about the perverts, I can’t keep up with it and am overwhelmed! So…, I will just gather a few headlines in the “Perverts in Lunatic Land“ Section and post it once or twice a week! These are the epitome of Romans One! Don’t know … Click Here to Read More

Grace Episcopal Church in New York City Holds Sexual Pervert Show for Students

Video Shows a New York City Church Holding a Drag Show  You can bet this Faux Church leadership is filled with UN-Saved Sexual Perverts, and Ichabod is written over the door! What Circle of Hell is This? Video captures sacrilegious LGBTQPXYZ event held at Episcopalian church in downtown Manhattan.  Footage of the April 27 event which took place in downtown … Click Here to Read More

Pestilences and Natural Disasters Are Spreading All Over the Western World. Why?

Why Are So Many Strange Pestilences Starting To Spread All Over The Western World? Well Folks, It is Bible Prophecy and events that ARE…, “Goin by the Book”!   Here is the answer from the Word of God—which by the way—most Christians have no idea what it says!!!! We will get to what inspired me to post this from an … Click Here to Read More

MAP’s? NO, PILL’s!

Lunatic Professor wants Pedophiles to be Referred to as MAP’s Update 11/17/21 – Old Dominion University places professor on leave after interview defending ‘minor-attracted persons’ For the True Christian, Please pardon the long Scripture quote. But the Reprobates that are sure to come here need a dose of the Word of God! Romans 1:21-28 “Because that, when they knew God, … Click Here to Read More

Apostate Blasphemer Max Lucado diagnosed with Ascending Aortic Aneurysm

Max Lucado diagnosed with ascending aortic aneurysm; requests prayers amid ‘serious’ condition That is what happens when you go Apostate, side with the LGBTQPXYZ Crowd, and Blaspheme the Holy Spirit! Deuteronomy 28:61 “Also every sickness, and every plague, which is not written in the book of this law, them will the LORD bring upon thee, until thou be destroyed.”  Christian … Click Here to Read More

Max Lucado Caves to the GAYSTAPO: Apologizes for Harming Them With the Truth

John 8:32 “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”  Galatians 4:16 “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?”  Let me harm them a bit more! LGBTQPXYZ deviates will NOT enter Heaven. They will inhabit Hell with the Demons that Possess them! 1st Corinthians 6:9 “Know ye not that the … Click Here to Read More

Modern Day Sodom and Gomorrah: The Queer Flag will be Flown at All U.S. Embassies around the World

By doing so, they have placed the Sexual Perverts on a pedestal, and made them as Idols to be worshiped! The last thing that happens before God destroys a City, State, or Country, is rampant sexual perversion. Read the Book! America has become the Modern Day Sodom and Gomorrah! Just try to watch TV these days. Commercials, and even kids … Click Here to Read More

Apostates Unite with UN-Believers and Pagans to Endorse Biden and Harris

Hundreds of faith leaders endorse Biden to ‘restore the soul’ of US Faith 2020 earned endorsements of faith leaders from an array of different religions– Christian, Jewish, Sikh, Muslim and others. Morgan Phillips | Fox News – A coalition of more than 350 faith leaders endorsed Joe Biden for president this week, citing a need for “moral clarity” to “restore … Click Here to Read More

Abortion News August 22, 2020

If something that kills 100,000 people in a year is a Pandemic, what is Abortion, which Kills Millions?   **** Abortion was Leading Cause of Death Worldwide in 2019, With 42 Million Slaughtered **** Overview of State Abortion Laws  –  50 Pro-Life Passages in Scripture  –  What Companies support Abortion? Proverbs 1:15-16 “My son, walk not thou in the way … Click Here to Read More

Kamala Devi Harris Jezebel Extraordinaire: Part 1 Mixed Religions

What a combination! Kamala Devi Harris is a Black Baptist Hindu and is married to a Jewish man! Kamala Devi are names of Hindu gods AKA DEMONS! You can NOT mix Religions. It results in extreme demon possession and will manifest into no good thing! I want to make one thing PERFECTLY CLEAR! I have nothing against Indian folk. I … Click Here to Read More

The Gospel Coalition Believes in Another Gospel!

Apostates at the Gospel Coalition need a bit of Biblical instruction. Like most disciples of Satan, they can’t comprehend and discern the Word of God! Galatians 1:6-10 “I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: 7 Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, … Click Here to Read More

Another One Bites the Dust: Supposed Christian Rock Singer gives into the Sin Nature!

First, there is no such thing as “Christian rock”! There is Gospel Music and the rest is of Satan! View this article on the subject. Highway to Hell? Heavy Metal Christian Rock is a Misnomer There is a song “Another One Bites the Dust” by the band Queen, who had a Homosexual lead singer Freddy Mercury. He is in Hell! … Click Here to Read More

What do you do when a Psychiatrist is Off His or Her Rocker?

Why you make HIM the Mental Health Official of Pennsylvania so HE can do irreparable mental damage to  the entire state! Update 6/5: PA Health Secretary Twists Himself Into a Pretzel Trying to Justify Limitless BLM Protests While Standing by COVID-19 Restrictions For Small Businesses If you don’t fight with them and just expose their Shenanigans, this will be the … Click Here to Read More

Science may have just proven Demon Possession in Transgenders!

Read the entire Series Generational, Ancestral and Family Curses and you will get a Biblical understanding of how it happens.  1st Corinthians 6:9 “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, … Click Here to Read More

Did Elijah Cummings Take His Hatred To The Grave And End Up In HELL?

I believe Cummings is in Hell! See why I believe that after the article submission. Matthew 7:21 “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.”  DEM REP’S FINAL DOUBLE-CROSS ON DEATH BED Rev. Austin Miles – Democrat Congressman Elijah … Click Here to Read More

YouTube Bans another Christian Channel

Josh Peck Daily Renegade Channel Banned Ray Gano – If you did not hear… Josh Peck’s Daily Renegade has been banned on You Tube from uploading any more videos as well as demonetized; meaning they cannot earn money from advertisers. BUT…does that stop You Tube from advertising on their videos? Nope… adds still run, but Josh does not make a … Click Here to Read More

Apostates at a Pagan University Kneel at the Rainbow Flag

Azusa Pacific University is quickly becoming Apostasy U. By using the name “Azusa” they are associating them selves with the great Azusa street revival which was a moving of the Holy Spirit. In my opinion, by pandering to the LGBTQPXYZ crowd, they are openly and knowingly Blaspheming the Holy Spirit! There is NO forgiveness for that unpardonable SIN! Matthew 12:31 … Click Here to Read More

What IF Adam Said?

I choose to Rebel, Don’t tell Me what to do—or who to be! In Essence that is exactly what HE and Eve did say! Proverbs 16:18 “Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” Proverbs 8:13 “The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do … Click Here to Read More

 Fallen Preachers: Dogs and Sows in the Pulpit

Preachers are Falling like Dominoes! And the way to STOP IT is for them — as well as all Christians — to grab hold of the Cross and Cry out to Jesus! He defeated the Enemy 2000 years ago and YOUR Victory over Sin and Bondage is found there!! 2nd Peter 2:18-22 “For when they speak great swelling words of … Click Here to Read More